dialog_s-08_On The Telephone
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A: Excuse me a minute. I have to make a telephone call.
B: All right, go ahead. I'll wait for you here.
A: This is the Schneider residence.
B: May I speak with Mr. Schneider?
B: Who's speaking?
B: Mr. Baumann.
B: One moment, please.
B: Hello!
B: Mr. Schneider?
B: Yes, sir.
B: Baumann speaking.
B: Who's speaking?
B: Peter Baumann speaking.
B: But of course. How are you?
B: Fine, thanks. I am calling to see if we can arrange to meet tomorrow.
B: Oh, yes. I was waiting for your call.
B: How about at 3:30 at Café Kreutzkamm?
B: That suits me fine.
B: Well, then, I'll see you at 3:30.
B: Good-bye.